Goals of Fin’s Friends

Goals of Fin’s Friends

In ensuring that young children of today grow to be responsible, principled, and ethical citizens capable of making tough decisions in this increasingly complex society, our goal is to provide a common language for talking about character issues. Additionally, we aim to provide opportunities to analyze and resolve tough situational/ethical dilemmas.

The following are specific goals of the Fin’s Friends Program:

  • Develop high self-esteem as a result of responsible behaviour, including accepting responsibility for actions
  • Know the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’
  • Resist negative peer pressure
  • Respect the rights of others while showing fairness, honesty, cooperation, and an awareness of interactions with others
  • Develop decision-making and problem-solving skills, while demonstrating compassion, courage, and consideration
  • Use self-discipline to persevere and achieve goals.